Windsor Yard HOA
Annual Meeting and Election of Directors
June, 19 2025
Election Calendar
View the Election Timeline for your HOA's upcoming election. Be informed on when to watch for election materials and deadlines to participate. It is important that you participate in your HOA's elections so that a majority quorum is formed and association business may continue smoothly. We appreciate your participation!
Association Election Rules
Obtain a copy of your Association's Election Rules that are being used to govern this election. Stay in the know and up to date to make the most informed decision for you and your community.
Information Verification Request
Per civil code 5105(a)(7) you have the right to verify the accuracy of your member information on file. To request your individual information on file, please fill out the form by clicking below. We will update your mailing information and contact your community representative to update their records as well.
Meeting Date, Time & Location
Meeting Info TBA
Candidate Nomination Form
Are you interested in running for your association's Board of Directors? If you have recently received a "Candidate Form" notice on behalf of your HOA and you are interested in getting involved with your community you can mail your form to the address listed on the form or either fill out the form online or upload your completed form here.
Election Notices & Statements
Stay informed with the latest election notices and statements. Access important updates on upcoming elections, including official notices and key information.
For an election involving your Association's Board of Directors, you can review information about the candidates running for office—if they have submitted a statement.
Ballot Replacement Request
If you have lost, damaged, or did not receive your ballot for the upcoming HOA election, you can request a replacement ballot to ensure your vote is counted. Also, If you have received a notice of an unsigned ballot you may request to add a signature by clicking below. Protect your voting rights and participate in shaping your community by voting!
Voting Instructions
Have questions about how to fill out your ballot or where to send it when completed? Read our helpful FAQ and Voting Instructions Guide to get your questions asked and answered 24/7.